Monday, July 14, 2014

Trondheim - There and Back Again

I took so many photos during my week-long roadtrip to Trondheim, that I am posting them in three installments.  Here is the first installment: photos I took on the highway heading both north and south. It takes about 7 hours to drive from Oslo to Trondheim.  I stayed on E6 all the way, and it was a gorgeous drive.

I saw a lot of these stone roofs
Along the highway

Farm buildings

An icy river


Dovrefjell National Park

Standing on a bridge

Church steeple


Unexpected colors

Another church (I like the architecture)

My first glimpse of the fjords

Living roof

Mountains and clouds

Interesting cross (see description below)

Cross history

Church sign

Unusual hexagonal building

Ancient stones
Dovre National Park, heading home to Oslo

UFO clouds

Balancing stones

Trail marker

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